Thursday, September 30, 2010

ガーのアイデンティティ(Udayapurからsantosu Basnet。www.日本.com



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Women in Indian Society

ジェンダーバイアスが深くインド社会に根ざしている。実際には、年間では、好評をモンスーン型のように、壁や柱を介して浸透した。そして、誰もこの事実を変更することができます、私は個人的なレベルで試みたが、無残に失敗しました。私はそれを非常に存在とインドの女性差別の成長を促進する女性、ということですインド社会におけるジェンダーバイアスとこのarticle.The問題で、インド社会における女性の条件は、上のいくつかのポイントを強調表示されます。同情は彼らもインド社会における女性の状態が悪いということがわかっていない、ということです。のいくつかの家庭examples.Iを見てみましょう、全国ジェンダーバイアスを忘れてそれを私の母見てきましたが、私はできないということを知って(というか、することができますがしません)。社会的機能やお祝いの機会があるたびに、私は、抑圧された自己が、女性の能力で開いている口の衝撃を感じています。 二万人(超誇張されていること)とディナーに招待されるすべての女性が万一のものが準備をして、朝から、台所で自分自身を梱包いたします。男性は、まあ、彼らは用事を行う、またはお客様とチャット出てきますよ。私は苦いを鳴らすことができる知っているが、私は強く、これは間違っていると感じるので、私は気にしない。あなたはどうだろう?私は時々、これらの女性は、すべての料理や掃除をお祭り気分の中を楽しむことができるのだろう。インド社会における女性の役割が単独でスムーズに実行している家庭用機械を保持油、そのなっている。これは、料理、清掃されていることを女性は、これらすべての年忙しかったのですが、これは変更times.Some世帯変更されていない彼らは料理がケータリングを行うには採用のため、進行され、(育児を忘れてはならない)ハウスキーピング。しかし、またして、家庭の女性は伝統的なインドの階層内の客をもてなすためにアウト、一日限り、進んでください。家長とそれ以上の年齢の男性は、中学男子は、家長とそれ以上の年齢の女性と最後に後輩の女性。貧しい女性は、ランチに過去のお茶の時間を食べてしまう。私はまっすぐに、正直言って誰もが、これは公正なシステムであることを、点滅せずに立つことができるだろうか。 それを正当化する、実際には、そのインドの多くは、悲しいけれど本当です。これらは単に私がドレスコードを忘れることができます女性のjob.Howている私は、これらの雑用に役立ちます男を満たすために、まだです。インドでは多くの家族がサリーは、すべての特別な行事で、女性が着用することを主張している。私はそれのためにすべてを午前中に、私は強制を嫌う。女性は彼女が権利を有するので、彼女が着て欲しいものを着用してください。多く立ち上がって、と言って、この文に疑問を彼女はスカートをはいて来る場合はどうすれば'私はそれを容認していませんが、私はまだそれは彼女の右と選択されていることを信じています。私は、男性は一部の高齢者の女性が立ち上がるときに、これは、カスタムされていることを、我々もそれをやったのためなどがありますことを行う必要があるという?私は、特にそれを嫌う腰布を着用して強制的に誰も表示されません。さらに悪いことに、彼らはあなたは女性が生まれたので、これを行う必要があることを言うときです。これはインドの女性であることの悲しい皮肉です。ではないのだ、待ってください。男の子の束とクリケットやlingoesを再生するの女児が許可されない家族は、まだありません。なぜですか?何が間違っている。彼女は、彼女をされていない再生している!彼女をしよう彼女の友人、彼女のゲーム、彼女のキャリアと彼女の男を選択すると、彼女はそれに値する。あなたの娘さんはとする。彼女は投獄さ保持フェンスてはいけません。 セット彼女の自由と、彼女はあなたに彼女が逝去日まで、彼女の誕生右から、延々と、ために行くことができるproud.Theリストを作成する、インドの女性は、インド社会の女性差別に直面している。権利とインド社会における女性の地位は、世界標準と比較すると本当に悪いです。不思議に思う、ときに女性が強い強豪、機会を提供されている場合、家庭のしきい値を超えて物事を達成することができるという事実に人々が目覚める。私の個人的な意見は、インドの女性があらゆる分野でインドの男性を乗り越えることができるということです。それが今、現実になれば、私は女性がこのような社会的役割の反転時より思いやりのあることを確信しています。

Sunday, November 29, 2009

crime victims and children

The Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children is a resource that stands ready to walk with survivors on their journey of healing. Safe, professional, confidential, services are available for victims and their friends and families.Many people are hurting because of an act of violence committed against them. Anyone - men, women, and children may be affected by violence. Our children are subjected to neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Research shows as many as 1 in 4 girls will be victims of sexual abuse by the time they are 18-years-old. For boys, the number is 1in 6. Often the abuse is a “family secret” passed from one generation to another. There is hope and restoration at the Advocacy Center.
The Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children began in 1976 as the Waco Rape Crisis Center. It has grown into an umbrella agency with three programs –Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC), Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and The Victims Center –offering many services to the hurting in our community.

stay safe your children

Sometimes when people get older, or they develop diseases like Parkinson’s, their hands can tend to shake. They may go to hug someone around the shoulders and may accidentally touch inappropriate places. Inappropriate touching while playing touch football, water sport, or other activity has been known to happen. It might not be with intent to harm, but accidents can occur. What if you are dating someone and your child does not like them? It will take some effort on your part to determine if your child is just jealous or resentful, or if something is really wrong. Never make your child hug or kiss them if they do not feel like it.This is not something to shield yourself or your children from. The world can be a dangerous place and you all need to pay attention to what is happening around you. Taking the time to talk to your children could save their lives.I would like to recommend two sections in BellaOnline for continued reading. For more on the Lindbergh kidnapping, please visit the Today in History section. For more on child safety, please visit the Missing and Exploited Children section.

Be with your children

Play games with your children to see what they remember about people that they just met. See how good their memory is and keep practicing. Should something happen, it would be good to have an accurate description of the person in question.If a person is in a car, trying to attract your childs attention, have your child stay more than an arms length away from the car. Remember, people have been known to get out of their cars to grab a child.Should your child ever say that a grownup is making them feel uncomfortable, or that they don’t enjoy being around someone, find out why. Encourage your child to talk to you about such matters. It doesn’t have to be a bad reason; perhaps they just don’t like the perfume or cologne someone is wearing. Do not force the child to be around whoever makes them uncomfortable, even if it is a relative. Never force them to hug or kiss anyone that makes them feel uncomfortable, again, even if it is a relative.

about children problem

There is absolutely no guarantee in this world that it will never happen to your child, or any child that you know. The rest of this article contains information that may help you and your child prevent this from happening to your family. It is by no means inclusive of all preventive measures and safety tips, but it is somewhere to start.Make sure your child knows your full phone number, not just “memory 1”. Have a full body shot and a face shot taken of your child every six months to ensure that you have a current picture in case it is ever necessary. Have your child fingerprinted and otherwise able to be identified. There are many programs to look into that provide those services.Be aware of the friends your child hangs out with. Get to know them and meet their parents. Visit their house, and let them visit yours. The more you work together with your children’s friends and their parents, the better. Form your own neighborhood watch team. Encourage the children to participate by watching for strangers or strange cars parked in the area.

children's crime

History is full of children who kill their parents. Some cases are famous and spend months in the news and some are not so newsworthy. Newsworthy or not, it doesn’t take from the fact that parricide is a spreading cancer within today’s adolescents and has been for over a century. From Lizzie Borden to the Menendez brothers, there are many reasons why kids kill their parents. Although Lizzie Borden was acquitted of the murders, it is said that she suffered from petit mal seizures during her menstrual cycle and may have killed her parents unwittingly. The Menendez brothers claimed that they were physically abused. It is reported that there are actually three types of children who commit parricide. One type of child suffers from mental illness. Another is the physically and emotionally abused child that is pushed to the breaking point and the third type is the precariously antisocial child. Unlike adult children who kill their parents, the adolescent child who is abused is basically trapped in the home with the parents. Adult children can move away or just simply leave their abusive homes but adolescent and preadolescent children cannot. They can run away but to where? The streets? A relative’s house? Running away is against the law and when caught by law enforcement, the children are usually return to the abusive home and since they ran away, the abuse will likely to increase because they are disobedient. It’s this constant abuse that could cause a child to snap and commit parricide.

children crime (parent)

What about the mentally ill child? How can a mentally ill child be held responsible for parricide if they are not in their right mind and don’t know what they are doing? It is said that Lizzie Borden, if she did indeed kill her parents, did so while suffering from petit mal epileptic seizures. These children may not be held legally responsible for their actions, so to speak, but they can be institutionalized or hospitalized for the rest of their lives as they are deemed mentally unfit to stand trial or be held responsible for their actions. Then there is the antisocial child. One who kills their parents because they are not allowed to drive the car or cannot access their trust funds until the parent is dead. This is the most dangerous type as they have no regard for human life and are only concerned with how they can benefit from something like parricide. They are also the type that the media loves to write about and sell their mediums with, case in point, the Menendez brothers. Lyle and Erik Menendez spent many, many months in the news and are household names today because of it. A Psychology Today report states that parricide is almost a daily event and in fact, between 1977 and 1986 more than three hundred parents were killed by their children every year. The report also stated that this typical killer is a white male between the ages of 12 and 17.

Auditory Processing Disorder hearing problem in children

A new area of current research is auditory processing disorder (APD). Children with APD do not recognise subtle differences between sounds and words, and poor auditory processing is associated with poor verbal reasoning and reduced cochlear function.
"Listening problems are thought to underlie many learning problems in children, but at the moment we know very little about what contributes to those problems. This is why we're looking into the field and developing a battery of tests to diagnose APD in children," says Dave Moore, director of the MRC Institute of Hearing Research. According to Professor Moore, APD affects approximately 2 to 3 per cent of the population.
The institute is currently conducting a major study involving 1,600 children. Professor Moore says: "By the end of the year we should have clear recommendations on how to diagnose the condition and we'll then turn our attention to management strategies."

Sensori-neural deafness problem in children

It is not always possible to identify a cause of sensori-neural loss, which is permanent and results from problems in the inner ear or auditory nerve. It can be a result of an infection or medications taken during pregnancy (eg ototoxic drugs). When the cause is post-natal it may be due to measles, meningitis or mumps during early childhood. A head injury or loud noise exposure may also damage hearing.
This type of hearing loss is usually treated with a hearing aid or, if the loss is very profound, a cochlear implant. Says Dr Dighe: "This is usually accompanied by a rehabilitation process, whereby someone works with the child and the family to aid language development and perception of things in everyday life."