Sunday, November 29, 2009

stay safe your children

Sometimes when people get older, or they develop diseases like Parkinson’s, their hands can tend to shake. They may go to hug someone around the shoulders and may accidentally touch inappropriate places. Inappropriate touching while playing touch football, water sport, or other activity has been known to happen. It might not be with intent to harm, but accidents can occur. What if you are dating someone and your child does not like them? It will take some effort on your part to determine if your child is just jealous or resentful, or if something is really wrong. Never make your child hug or kiss them if they do not feel like it.This is not something to shield yourself or your children from. The world can be a dangerous place and you all need to pay attention to what is happening around you. Taking the time to talk to your children could save their lives.I would like to recommend two sections in BellaOnline for continued reading. For more on the Lindbergh kidnapping, please visit the Today in History section. For more on child safety, please visit the Missing and Exploited Children section.

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