Monday, November 16, 2009

Domestic Violence against Women in Nepal

Women are the source of creation on the earth. A woman creates life, nurtures it, guards and strengthens it. In their task as mother they play a vital role in the development of society. When a woman is created out of fear and abuse, her pain is passed on to the next generation. When a woman is created out of strength and security, her love is her gift to all humankind.
Despite the above fact, women are abused in every sphere of society. Every day, women are battered, sexually harassed, abused, raped and psychologically tortured in the home, the workplace and the society. Domestic Violence against women starts at womb and remains up to tomb. The charisma of medical inventions has awarded the victimized to identify the female at womb and hence decide has become a major problem in modern Nepalese society. Boys are preferred to girls. There are many cases the girl baby is not welcomed by her parents, what to talk about the other members of the family.
Domestic violence against women in Nepal is not a myth, but a reality. It exists and exists everywhere in Nepalese society. There is no woman who has not suffered at one time or another harassment, humiliation, exploitation and violence that shadow her sex. Thus it looks strange that a companion in a man’s life from womb to tomb, in the role of mother, sister, lover, wife and daughter is the worst sufferer. It is a generally accepted psychological aspect that being out of the home is always potential threat to women hence due defensive or protective measures is taken by everyone. What will happen to women if she is ill-treated in her own house by her nearest and dearest? The interim constitution of Nepal has granted equal rights to all citizens of Nepal. But it is an irony that women are still in pathetic conditions. At home the teaching is such that girls are physically weak, they should not act as boy, they are protected by men, and they are made dependent of men. Women are kept in control since their childhood. They are not allowed to move freely, their wishes and goals are killed at childhood only. Since it has become customs and believes so most of the women take it as divine rule, and accepts all kind of discrimination and abuses. Domestic violence has long been considered a private matter by bystanders - including neighbors, the community and government. But such private matters have a tendency to become public tragedies. Nepalese society has a tendency to ignore domestic violence. The social response to domestic violence has always prevented women from talking about the violence they face at home. Also we tend to believe that domestic violence only refers to physical abuse of women and often ignore sexual, economic and mental form of violence being inflicted on them inside their homes. According to UNFPA, around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in some other way–most often by someone she knows, including her husband or another family member. One woman in four has been abused during pregnancy. It is a great tragedy that for most abused women violence begins at home with fathers, brothers, uncles, husbands and in-laws. In a rich and a poor families alike, physical, sexual and psychological abuse within the family affects an astounding number of women. The brutality against women is reflected in popular cultures of the world.

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